Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Letter received February 3, 2011

I am just writing a quick email to give everyone an update. I am sorry that i have not been able to write that much latley but things have been pretty busy here in the mission office. Being an ap ( assistant to President Benton ) and also training the new assistant Elder Thompson i have had a lot on my plate. Today we finished zone conferences for this transfer, they all turned out very well and President Benton is pretty happy. It can get pretty stressful getting everything put together but it turned out well and i feel good that its over but i am sad that its over, that means that was my last zone conference here in the mission. i have a lot of mixed feelings going on, being here in the office it helps me stay focused so i am grateful for that, there is always something to do. However things have not been going too well in our area Caseros 2 for quite a while. Let's just say that things have been going well, we are very blessed, but things just are not seeming to turn out all that well. I feel the Lord is really testing my faith and patience. We have found a lot of investigators and many have comitted to be baptized but we have been having to put back their baptismal dates several times. Many of our investigators have challenges with the commandments, with the word of wisdom and the law of chasity. I love the people and i want the best for them. I also know if i can continue with faith and patience things will work out how the Lord has planned. If i relate to how i feel right now to a baseball analogy i would say that i feel like i am swinging good and hitting the ball good but i am hitting line drives right at the other players. i am gratefull for this opportunity to serve. I love the mission. i know that this is the Church of Jesus Christ and that we have his gospel. Thanks for your love and your support. i am praying for you. i look forward to hearing from you soon and also from Mackenzie i hope she received my other email. i love you. Con Amor Elder Brooks.

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Slideshow of Elder Brooks' Mission

Cameron reads his mission call

Flag of Argentina

Flag of Argentina
The national flag of Argentina dates from 1812. The full flag featuring the sun is called the Official Ceremonial Flag (Spanish: Bandera Oficial de Ceremonia). The Official Ceremony Flag is the civil, state and war flag and ensign. The sun, called the Sun of May, is a replica of an engraving on the first Argentine coin, approved in 1813, whose value was eight escudos (one Spanish dollar). It has 16 straight and 16 waved sunbeams. According to tradition, during the Argentine War of Independence General Manuel Belgrano was commanding a battle near Rosario. He noticed that both the Crown's forces and the independence forces were using the same colors (Spain's yellow and red). After realizing this, Belgrano created a new flag using the colors that were used by the Criollos during the May Revolution in 1810. The flag was hoisted for the first time in Buenos Aires atop the Saint Nicholas of Bari Church on August 23, 1812. - Ref: Wikipedia.com